Category: Health Care

Retired nurse shares patient experiences

Janet Walker, a former nurse and adjunct professor, sat down with to discuss her research into what some Canadian patients experienced while they waited for health care.

Health care beyond our border

This past December, Kris Sims from the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and I drove from Burnaby, B.C. just over the border to a hospital complex in Bellingham (Washington State). We were hoping to talk to Canadians about why they were leaving the country for health care…

POLICY BRIEF: The flight of the sick

As health care waiting lists have ballooned in Canada, more and more Canadians have endured pain, suffering and even death.
This policy brief examines some of the economic consequences from waiting lists, notably bringing to light new details on the number of Canadians travelling abroad for health care.

Rationed health care in Canada

Big thank you to CKNW’s Lynda Steele for having on her show this week to talk about our new health care video…

Waiting lists unnecessarily long

“It really upsets me I can’t cuddle my grandchildren or pick them up or look after them even for half an hour … because I can’t chase after them, I can’t move fast…”