Category: Policy Brief

POLICY BRIEF: The last government employee pay cut

This policy brief examines when the last time was that governments in Canada reduced employee pay. We asked the federal government, provincial governments, and 13 major cities for information on their last employee pay reductions.

POLICY BRIEF: COVID-19 reinforces the need for health reform

Our new policy brief shows Canada’s health care system is ill-equipped to fight a COVID-19 resurgence or an even stronger pandemic. The brief also examines five health care systems in other countries that provide better services for a lower cost.

POLICY BRIEF: Canadians’ thoughts on relaxed regulations

Since COVID-19 took hold in Canada, governments across the country have relaxed a number of restrictions and rules to help people and businesses cope with the pandemic. From allowing restaurants to serve alcohol with their delivery orders to allowing doctors to video conference with their patients, governments have been able to help people by simply getting out of the way.

POLICY BRIEF: Oil and gas polling

As part of’s ongoing research into natural resource development, we contracted Leger to conduct some public opinion research. This policy brief summarizes the results of four oil and gas industry questions that we posed to the public between March 13 -16, 2020.

POLICY BRIEF: The implications of keeping oil in the ground

The demands of certain environmental organizations to completely phase out oil and gas development and to “keep it in the ground” have been gaining in popularity. These demands are now reaching the ears of some politicians, whose decisions reflect a growing aversion to the use and development of petroleum and gas products.

POLICY BRIEF: Canadians’ thoughts on health care

As part of’s ongoing research into health care, we contracted Nanos Research to conduct some public opinion research. This policy brief summarizes the results of six health care questions that we posed to the public between February 29-March 3, 2020.