Category: News Releases

Canada carbon tech capture

REPORT: 25 Innovative Carbon Tech Examples

New research by think tank highlights 25 innovative examples of entrepreneurs developing new ways to reduce carbon dioxide usage or repurpose the gas into useful products.

NEW POLL: Focus On COVID, Not Climate Reset

Public policy think tank released public opinion research today that shows a majority of Canadians want governments to be focussed on fighting COVID-19 and returning things to normal rather than looking at restructuring the economy with higher carbon taxes, rebates, regulations and subsidies to address climate change.

Report: Died On A Waiting List released ground-breaking research today that shows there were 1,480 surgeries that were cancelled in 2018-19 as the patient had passed away.

Education Poll: Canadians Support School Choice poll finds a majority of Canadians support some level of increased educational choices for parents and many are concerned about the direction of the school system …