Category: Health Care

Waiting List Deaths Hit Four-Year High has released its annual Died on a Waiting List report for 2021-22.
Once again, a troubling trend continues: more people are dying while waiting for surgery or diagnostic scans.

A Look at the Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative

The prairie province launched its well-known “Saskatchewan Surgical Initiative” back in 2010 to reduce their waiting lists – some of the highest in the country at the time.

To learn more about this initiative we reached out to the Saskatchewan government for an interview.

They declined our request, but they did answer our questions in an email.

The Alex Pierson Show: Canadians Keen for Health Reform spoke with Alex Pierson about our new poll on health care reform.

We hired Leger to ask Canadians about four different options for reform: allowing people to pay for care at private clinics, having the government hire private clinics to reduce the surgical backlog, copying an EU policy to reduce waitlists, and making health ministers report how many people died due to long waitlists.

In each case, the majority of respondents were in favour of reform.

ROB BREAKENRIDGE: New Poll Shows Canadians Keen for Health Reform spoke with Rob Breakenridge about our new poll on health care reform.

We hired Leger to ask Canadians about four different options for reform: allowing people to pay for care at private clinics, having the government hire private clinics to reduce the surgical backlog, copying an EU policy to reduce waitlists, and making health ministers report how many people died due to long waitlists.

In each case, the majority of respondents were in favour of reform.