TRUE NORTH COLUMN: Will Canada’s health care system be there when you need it? Legistlative and Policy Director Harrison Fleming writes in True North that more spending won’t fix Canada’s unreliable health care system. Legistlative and Policy Director Harrison Fleming writes in True North that more spending won’t fix Canada’s unreliable health care system. President Colin Craig joined Andrew Lawton to discuss the groundbreaking new documentary, Health Reform Now. President Colin Craig joined Alex Pierson to discuss the groundbreaking new documentary, Health Reform Now. Communications Director Dom Lucyk writes in True North that patients shouldn’t need a public relations team to get care. Communications Director Dom Lucyk writes in True North that Canadians are sick and tired of waiting for health reform. Communications Director Dom Lucyk writes in True North that Health Minister Mark Holland’s rant on private care is out of touch, uninformed and dangerous. Communications Director Dom Lucyk writes in True North that government’s failures in health care are a bad sign for plans to nationalize dental and pharma care. research intern Victoria Sampson writes in True North that financial incentives could help Canadians improve their health. Communications Director Dom Lucyk writes in True North that charter schools are a solution to parents’ dissatisfaction with public schools. Communications Director Dom Lucyk writes in True North that supply management is making your grocery bill more expensive for no good reason.