Category: News Releases

Canada Healthcare

New Poll: Canadians Keen for Health Reform

A new poll commissioned by think tank shows that Canadians continue to
show overwhelming support for health reform, including governments hiring private clinics to
reduce surgical backlogs, allowing more choices for patients, copying an EU policy and
increased accountability when it comes to patient deaths due to long waiting lists.

Good News on Booze: Alcohol Red Tape Cuts a Success research shows that the decision by provincial governments to allow restaurants to sell alcohol with takeout and delivery orders resulted in few violations. This is an example that shows cutting red tape can be helpful, so we should do it more.

Died on a waiting list

Waiting List Deaths Spike in Ontario

New Ontario Health data released by shows a spike in the number of patients that died while waiting for surgery, CT scans and MRI scans in 2021-22.

How to Reduce Housing Costs

The dream of home ownership has grown out of reach for too many Canadians. Our new policy brief examines government policy changes could help reduce housing costs.

Canada waiting list deaths

Waiting List Deaths Surge in 2020-21

New research by think tank shows that at least 11,581 patients across Canada died in 2020-21 while waiting for surgeries, diagnostic scans and appointments with specialists.