Category: Blog

What are the pros and cons of video conferencing with doctors?

We recently spoke with Dr. Lester Liao from the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto to get his take on video conferencing. Dr. Lester Liao explains through his professional experience the pros of this developing technology, as well as the shortfalls.

A look at Australia’s health care system

International studies routinely show Australia’s health care system outperforms Canada and the United States. At we took a look at what Australia is doing differently.

UPDATE: Important health care court case

The Canadian Constitution Foundation has been working on an important court case for several years now. We spoke with the CCF’s Director of Litigation for an update.

A Closer Look At Blood Plasma Donations in Canada

Blood plasma plays an incredibly important role in society – from supporting patients with debilitating health issues to helping researchers develop a treatment for viruses such as COVID-19. With that in mind, we decided to take a closer look at the issue.

Quebec’s Green Opportunity

Why does Quebec spend billions of dollars each year importing natural gas when it could develop and use its own local natural gas resources instead? That’s what we investigated …