Author: SecondStreet_Admin

Afternoons with Rob Breakenridge: How to Reduce Housing Costs spoke with Rob Breakenridge to discuss our policy brief that goes over some solutions to make housing more affordable.

Some of the policy proposals include raising the threshold for GST exemptions on homes, eliminating or reducing land transfer taxes, and making it easier for builders to get new housing projects done.

Breakenridge’s show can be heard on 770 CHQR in Calgary.

More Cool CO2 Innovation continued our research into cool ways entrepreneurs are reducing emissions through new technology and processes.

City hall’s finances aren’t so dire

I called up my friend Tracy Johnson recently and asked her a simple question, “how would you like it if your business saw a 6 per cent drop in revenues?”

CTV NEWS COVERAGE: Public wants to keep red-tape reductions

Many CTV News channels covered our news release about relaxed red tape measures during the COVID-19 and the public’s desire to keep the changes. From continuing to allow restaurants to sell alcohol with delivery orders to allowing patients to continue to video conference with doctors, the changes have been a hit with Canadians.

POLICY BRIEF: The implications of keeping oil in the ground

The demands of certain environmental organizations to completely phase out oil and gas development and to “keep it in the ground” have been gaining in popularity. These demands are now reaching the ears of some politicians, whose decisions reflect a growing aversion to the use and development of petroleum and gas products.

Oil and having a baby

Could you imagine raising a baby without using any products that are made from oil? Watch this clip and let us know.