Tag: In The News

ROB BREAKENRIDGE: New Poll Shows Canadians Keen for Health Reform

SecondStreet.org spoke with Rob Breakenridge about our new poll on health care reform.

We hired Leger to ask Canadians about four different options for reform: allowing people to pay for care at private clinics, having the government hire private clinics to reduce the surgical backlog, copying an EU policy to reduce waitlists, and making health ministers report how many people died due to long waitlists.

In each case, the majority of respondents were in favour of reform.

GLOBAL NEWS REGINA: New Poll Shows Canadians Keen for Health Reform

SecondStreet.org joined Global News Regina to discuss our new poll on health care reform.

We hired Leger to ask Canadians about four different options for reform: allowing people to pay for care at private clinics, having the government hire private clinics to reduce the surgical backlog, copying an EU policy to reduce waitlists, and making health ministers report how many people died due to long waitlists.

In each case, the majority of respondents were in favour of reform.

CTV NEWS COVERAGE: Public wants to keep red-tape reductions

Many CTV News channels covered our news release about relaxed red tape measures during the COVID-19 and the public’s desire to keep the changes. From continuing to allow restaurants to sell alcohol with delivery orders to allowing patients to continue to video conference with doctors, the changes have been a hit with Canadians.