ALEX PIERSON – Financial Incentives Could Improve Patient Health President Colin Craig joined Alex Pierson to discuss our new policy brief – Incentives Could Improve Patient Health. President Colin Craig joined Alex Pierson to discuss our new policy brief – Incentives Could Improve Patient Health. President Colin Craig joined Angela Kokott to discuss our new policy brief – Incentives Could Improve Patient Health. President Colin Craig joined Mike Stubbs to discuss new data on the number of Ontarians who died on a medical waitlist. President Colin Craig joined Greg Brady to discuss new data on the number of Ontarians who died on a medical waitlist. President Colin Craig joined Patty Handysidesq to discuss new data on the number of Ontarians who died on a medical waitlist. Communications Director Dom Lucyk joined Stirling Faux to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. President Colin Craig joined Devon Peacock to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. Communications Director Dom Lucyk joined Rick Zamperin to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. President Colin Craig joined Alex Pierson to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. President Colin Craig joined Patty Handysides to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. Communications Director Dom Lucyk joined Hal Anderson to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. President Colin Craig joined Andrew Lawton to discuss a new poll that shows most Canadians think public schools are headed in the wrong direction.