STIRLING FAUX – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System Communications Director Dom Lucyk joined Stirling Faux to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. Communications Director Dom Lucyk joined Stirling Faux to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. President Colin Craig joined Devon Peacock to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. Communications Director Dom Lucyk joined Rick Zamperin to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. President Colin Craig joined Alex Pierson to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. President Colin Craig joined Patty Handysides to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. Communications Director Dom Lucyk joined Hal Anderson to discuss our new policy brief – Thousands of Health Care Workers Leaving Canada’s System. Communications Director Dom Lucyk writes in the Windsor Star that part of the answer to the nurse shortage is right here in Canada.
New research from shows that nearly 2,000 nurses who live in Ontario work in Michigan.
This data, along with survey responses from those nurses, could be helpful to Canadian hospitals and clinics looking to hire more staff.
New research from shows that nearly 2,000 nurses who live in Ontario work in Michigan.
This data, along with survey responses from those nurses, could be helpful to Canadian hospitals and clinics looking to hire more staff.