Category: Health Care

POLICY BRIEF: Canadians’ thoughts on health care

As part of’s ongoing research into health care, we contracted Nanos Research to conduct some public opinion research. This policy brief summarizes the results of six health care questions that we posed to the public between February 29-March 3, 2020.

SUN NEWS COLUMN: Canada can’t afford social distancing apathy

To be clear, I’m not a doctor. But it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to see this virus is quite contagious. Our economy can’t sit on the sidelines for long, but in the short term, Canadians should listen to social distancing directives, especially around at-risk people.

5 Thoughts about the coronavirus President Colin Craig and contributor Kris Sims discuss COVID-19. Need some good news about the coronavirus? Some aspects you may not have thought about?
You’ll find that and more in our new video.

Give the gift of a private MRI scan?

With Christmas just around the corner,, a new Canadian think tank, released a report that examines which provinces allow Canadians to purchase a private MRI scan for themselves or for a loved one.

POLICY BRIEF: Private MRI options have grown substantially

In 1993, Canada’s first private magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) clinic opened in Calgary – the Western Canada MRI Centre. Critics accused the clinic of “undermining” Canada’s public health care system and predicted negative consequences.
More than a quarter-century after that clinic first opened, decided to investigate what options Canadian patients now have when it comes to paying for private MRI scans.

Rick Baker’s story

As part of our medical tourism research, sat down with Rick Baker, founder of Timely Medical Alternatives.

Treatment in Tijuana? Alberta patient tells her story

Tracy Skinner struggled with back pain for 13 years. The surgery she received in Calgary didn’t work and the government told her there was nothing they could do … “here’s more painkillers.”

Thankfully for Tracy, she found treatment in Tijuana, Mexico.