Category: Health Care

A Closer Look At Blood Plasma Donations in Canada

Blood plasma plays an incredibly important role in society – from supporting patients with debilitating health issues to helping researchers develop a treatment for viruses such as COVID-19. With that in mind, we decided to take a closer look at the issue.

POLICY BRIEF: COVID-19 reinforces the need for health reform

Our new policy brief shows Canada’s health care system is ill-equipped to fight a COVID-19 resurgence or an even stronger pandemic. The brief also examines five health care systems in other countries that provide better services for a lower cost.

Kim Purdy’s story

Kim Purdy discusses her long wait for hip surgery in Alberta. Considering governments postponed thousands of procedures during COVID-19, many more patients will have similar experiences.

Poll Results: Canadians’ thoughts on health care

As part of’s ongoing research into health care, we contracted Nanos Research to conduct some public opinion research. This policy brief summarizes the results of six health care questions that we posed to the public