FINANCIAL POST COLUMN: We Could Grow Health Care by $21 Billion, No Tax Dollars Required

As Canadian politicians ponder how to increase our economic independence from the United States, they would be wise to review recent research by showing how we could create a new $21.6-billion industry, generate upwards of 39,000 new jobs and even reduce health care wait times … all without governments spending a cent.

The only thing we need to do is convince our governments to copy what better-performing universal health care systems in Europe do and give patients a choice: either use the public system or purchase private comprehensive health insurance.

It’s 2025 and Canada’s health care policy is still to the left of the Chinese Communist Party. The results speak for themselves — our health crisis is costing lives and untold suffering.

It’s true that Canadians are allowed to travel to other provinces to pay for treatment. And in Quebec patients can pay locally for treatment. But that’s not the same as allowing patients to purchase comprehensive private health insurance for local services and reduce the risk of having to spend large sums on treatment.

In every other universal health care system in the developed world ­— from Australia to Sweden — patients can choose to use their public system or pay to purchase private health insurance. Every time a patient opts to go private that can help take pressure off the public system. hired Leger to poll Canadians and found that about half of respondents want to learn more about private insurance options, while nearly a third are already willing to pay current market rates for coverage. Ultimately, we calculated that if governments allowed it, a private insurance market could increase private health spending by a staggering $21.6 billion annually.

Those opposed to private options argue they would weaken health care — that doctors and nurses would leave public hospitals in droves to work in private clinics, leaving fewer professionals to treat the majority of Canadians. But the experience of health systems in other countries suggests that’s not so.

France, Sweden, and Australia all have public systems that function alongside private options and in those public systems patients enjoy shorter wait times than in Canada. In Sweden, for example, 87 per cent of patients still rely on the government-run system. But those who want faster care can pay out-of-pocket or access treatment through privately purchased insurance. This hasn’t weakened the public system: it has taken pressure off it.

There certainly will be cases where staff switch from a government hospital to a private clinic, but what migration has occurred has not been massive. Why? In some cases because of barriers preventing it. For instance, in the United Kingdom, staff working in the public system can supplement their income by working privately only up to 10 per cent of their annual earnings. Canada could impose the same sort of rule.

If there is an overall shortage of health workers in Canada, governments should address it, not by restricting patients’ payment options, but by training more nurses and doctors. Allowing private insurance could help keep health workers in Canada. As one Swedish official told, when you have more employers, you have more employees. A more robust non-government health sector could help those in the public sector — particularly surgeons, whose hours are often rationed — by providing opportunities to supplement their income through private work on the side instead of leaving Canada altogether for higher paycheques in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Non-government health facilities can also provide health workers with working conditions they prefer. An overworked doctor in the public system who is thinking about retirement might continue to work for a few more years in a non-government environment that doesn’t force a “move them through quickly” approach to patients.

In other sectors the public can pay for private alternatives to public services and the sky has not fallen. Parents can either send their children to public schools for free or pay to send them to private schools. That choice being available has not caused public education systems to collapse, and an overwhelming majority of new teachers continue to join public schools, despite sometimes higher rates of compensation in private schools.

Millions of Canadians are suffering at the hands of the current health care system and millions more are ready for change. Keeping the public system operating but also allowing patients to purchase private insurance could expand our health sector, create thousands of jobs and reduce the strain on our public system. All at no cost to taxpayers.

Harrison Fleming is legislative and policy director at

This column was originally published in The Financial Post on March 19, 2025.

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Prevention – reduce demand in the first place

If Canadians lived healthier lives, we could reduce demand for emergency services, orthopaedic surgeries, primary care and more. 

For instance, if you visit the Canadian Cancer Society’s website, you’ll read that “about four in ten” cancer cases are preventable. The Heart and Stroke Foundation notes that “almost 80 percent of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented through healthy behaviours.” A similar number of Diabetes cases are also preventable. 

Many joint replacements and visits to ERs and walk-in clinics could also be avoided through healthy living. 

To be sure, not all health problems can be avoided through healthy living – everyday the system treats Canadians with genetic conditions, helps those injured in unavoidable accidents and more.  

But there is an opportunity to reduce pressure on the health care system through Canadians shifting to healthier lifestyles – better diets, more exercise, etc. 

To learn more, watch our Health Reform Now documentary (scroll up) or see this column. 

Partner with non-profits and for-profit clinics

European countries will partner with anyone who can help patients. 

It doesn’t matter if it’s a non-profit, a government entity or a private clinic. What matters is that patients receive quality treatment, in a timely manner and for a competitive price.  

In Canada, governments often delivery services using government-run hospitals instead of seeing if non-profit or private clinics could deliver the services more effectively. 

When governments have partnered with non-profit and private clinics, the results have often been quite good – Saskatchewan, Ontario and British Columbia are just a few examples of where partnerships have worked well. 

Canada should pursue more of these partnerships to reduce wait times and increase the volume of services provided to patients.  

To learn more, watch our Health Reform Now documentary (scroll up) or see the links above. 

Make cross border care more accessible

In Canada, citizens pay high taxes each year and we’re promised universal health care services in return. The problem is, wait times are often extremely long in our health system – sometimes patients have to wait years to see a specialist or receive surgery. 

If patients don’t want to wait long periods, they often have to reach into their own pocket and pay for treatment outside the province or country. 

Throughout the European Union, we also find universal health care systems. But a key difference is that EU patients have the right to go to other EU countries, pay for surgery and then be reimbursed by their home government. Reimbursements cover up to what the patient’s home government would have spent to provide the treatment locally. 

If Canada copied this approach, a patient waiting a year to get their hip operation could instead receive treatment next week in one of thousands of surgical clinics throughout the developed world. 

Governments benefit too as the patient is now back on their feet and avoiding complications that sometimes come with long wait times – meaning the government doesn’t have to treat those complications on top of the initial health problem. 

To learn more, watch our Health Reform Now documentary (scroll up) or this shorter video. 

Legalize access to non-government providers

Canada is the only country in the world that puts up barriers, or outright bans patients from paying for health services locally. 

For instance, a patient in Toronto cannot pay for a hip operation at a private clinic in Toronto. Their only option is to wait for the government to eventually provide treatment or leave the province and pay elsewhere. 

Countries with better-performing universal health care systems do not have such bans. They allow patients a choice – use the public system or pay privately for treatment. Sweden, France, Australia and more – they all allow choice. 

Why? One reason is that allowing choice means some patients will decide to pay privately. This takes pressure off the public system. For instance, in Sweden, 87% of patients use the public system, but 13% purchase private health insurance. 

Ultimately, more choice improves access for patients. 

To learn more, watch our Health Reform Now documentary (scroll up) or watch this short clip on this topic. 

Shift to funding services for patients, not bureaucracies

In Canada, most hospitals receive a cheque from the government each year and are then asked to do their best to help patients. This approach is known as “block funding”. 

Under this model, a patient walking in the door represents a drain on the hospital’s budget. Over the course of a year, hospital administrators have to make sure the budget stretches out so services are rationed. This is why you might have to wait until next year or the year after for a hip operation, knee operation, etc. 

In better-performing universal health systems, they take the opposite approach – hospitals receive money from the government each time they help a patient. If a hospital completes a knee operation, it might receive, say, $10,000. If it completes a knee operation on another patient, it receives another $10,000. 

This model incentivizes hospitals to help more patients – to help more patients with knee operations, cataract surgery, etc. This approach also incentivizes hospitals to spend money on expenses that help patients (e.g. more doctors, nurses, equipment, etc.) rather than using the money on expenses that don’t help patients (e.g. more admin staff). 

To learn more about this policy option, please watch our Health Reform Now documentary (scroll up) or see this post by MEI.