New Documentary Examines Health Reform in Canada

REGINA, SK: A new documentary released today by think tank examines Canada’s struggling health system and examines five proven health reform measures from Europe that could improve results for patients. The documentary features interviews with doctors, patients and policy experts from across Canada.

“If we copy what better-performing universal health systems do differently, particularly in Europe, then we could see better access to health services for Canadian patients,” said President Colin Craig. “Canadians need to know that our long wait times don’t have to be normal. We can keep our universal system, but improve it.”

The 40-minute documentary focuses on four changes that could help reduce wait times for patients while giving them more choice. A fifth solution might just surprise some viewers.

The documentary can be viewed for free at, as well as’s YouTubeFacebook, and X pages.

Viewer Feedback:

“ presents a powerful case for change in Canadian medicare and offers reasonable solutions to consider. Watch it. Share it. Change requires us all to get involved.” 
Dr. Shawn Whatley, Ontario

“The ideas presented in this documentary are patient-focused and community-minded. Canadian patients need to be informed of the different options to better our health care system and this documentary should get that conversation started.”
Christina Sanford, Nurse, Patient, Nova Scotia

“Health Reform Now is a groundbreaking documentary that delves deep into the complexities of our broken health care system. Offering insightful global comparisons and practical solutions, challenges Canadians and our health care leaders to act swiftly. This film is not just a critique, but an urgent call to action to make universal healthcare a viable reality, rather than a badly broken ideology.”
Allison Ducluzeau, Patient, British Columbia

“I’ve experienced the very best of the Canadian health care system and unfortunately the very very worst. I’m lucky to be alive and healthy – so many are not. This documentary on the state of the Canadian health care system should be watched by every Canadian and it should be a mandatory watch for each and every elected official.”
Jeff Krushell, Patient, Alberta


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