SUN EDITORIAL: Health Care Waiting List Deaths a National Scandal

Canada Healthcare

After released data showing an increase in the number of patients who died while waiting for surgery and diagnostic scans in Ontario, the Toronto Sun ran the following editorial (which also appeared in the Ottawa Sun, Winnipeg Sun, Calgary Sun and Edmonton Sun:

The deadly aspects of both Canada’s lacklustre health care management combined with our aggressive response to COVID-19 is becoming increasingly clear.

The latest development comes via numbers detailing how delayed treatments have led to an increase in the number of people who have died awaiting surgeries.

The numbers come from think-tank, which focused on data from Ontario.

As Sun columnist Brian Lilley explains it in a recent column: “After two years of delayed treatments and lockdowns, the big spike happened. A total of 1,417 people died waiting for some kind of surgery in 2021-22, a 43.7% increase over the pre-pandemic numbers and a 34.6% increase over the average of the four pre-pandemic years numbers were released for.”

To read more, please visit the Toronto Sun’s site – click here.

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