Category: Energy & Resource Development

Food for striking children’s thoughts

In advance of Friday’s “climate strike” in Vancouver, released today “Oil in the classroom,” a short video clip that examines all kinds of products in a typical Canadian classroom that are made at least in part with oil.

Big picture issues, big picture ideas and data

It seems you can’t turn on the evening news or open up a newspaper in Canada without seeing a story about climate change. Similarly, stories about oil and gas development in Canada (especially pipeline stories), and carbon taxes have garnered significant political discourse over the past few years…

New tech, lower emissions has been doing research into natural resource development and climate change. One interesting story we came across involves Berg Chilling Systems, an Ontario company that has developed technology that helps oil and gas companies reduce their emissions.

Keep oil in the ground?

Antil-oil activists can often be seen and heard urging governments to keep oil “in the ground.” How would that affect your life?