Premier Danielle Smith Endorses Cross-Border Health Care

The European Union’s Cross-Border Directive is a smart health care policy that gives patients thousands of additional health care options and helps them get the care they need more quickly.

In short, patients in the EU have the right to travel to another EU country, pay for surgery, then be reimbursed by their home government for up to what it would have cost to get the procedure done locally. As you can see, if an EU patient is facing a long wait time in their country, they have thousands of additional options to consider.
If Canadian provinces adopted this approach, thousands could escape long waiting lists.
There’s a ray of hope on this front. On her radio show on QR 770, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith endorsed this concept back on July 8, 2023.
In fact, she noted that she even campaigned on a similar policy back in 2012 when she previously served as Wildrose leader.
You can listen to her comments in the clip above or if you would like to learn more about the policy, we have two policy briefs on the topic click here and here.
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