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Rotational Workers And COVID Restrictions

Rotational workers are found all across our country. They are men and women who work in harsh and remote parts of Canada.

Second Street.org interviewed Tammy and Rob McCutcheon to get their take on the new COIVD restrictions happening in their province.

VIDEO: Health Care From Your Couch Or Office

Dr. Belchetz was an emergency room doctor who felt there needed to be a better way to help patients than making them sit in waiting rooms for hours on end. So he did something about it…

Report: Died On A Waiting List

SecondStreet.org released ground-breaking research today that shows there were 1,480 surgeries that were cancelled in 2018-19 as the patient had passed away.

Education Poll: Canadians Support School Choice

SecondStreet.org poll finds a majority of Canadians support some level of increased educational choices for parents and many are concerned about the direction of the school system …